Natural Mattresses

Natural mattresses are an environmentally friendly and affordable option for those seeking a comfortable night's sleep. Many natural mattresses use natural ingredients like USDA Organic Cotton, Natural Dunlap Latex, and Natural Virgin Wool sourced from certified organic farms to create a breathable sleeping experience. These natural materials help regulate body temperature, providing optimal comfort throughout the night. Natural mattresses have proven to be a durable and reliable option without breaking the bank, adding value to your sleep time investment.

For those looking to live comfortably and healthily, natural mattresses can help contribute to creating that comfortable lifestyle. Natural mattresses are made using materials such as organic latex, wool, cotton, coconut coir and more. Many of these materials not only provide comfortable sleep experience but they can also be beneficial for the environment and your health in general. From a vertical manufacturer perspective, this ensures that your mattress is created without compromising quality at any point. All in all, natural mattresses offer a great opportunity for healthy and comfortable living.

The World's Healthiest Mattresses

Toxic Free Sleep

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